Spring Cleaning: Take it One Room at a Time

Spring is not only a time for fresh flowers but also a time for fresh and clean spaces, especially if you’re thinking about selling your home soon. The yearly tradition of Spring cleaning is a wonderful way to refresh your home not only for you but for potential buyers. So how exactly do you start a complete home clean-up without feeling totally overwhelmed? The thought of cleaning and decluttering for hours on end can give just about anyone a headache and most likely keep you from starting. We have good news for you, a room-by-room approach is going to get you organized in no time without any of the overwhelm that comes with overhauling the process. 

The Spruce said the following about a room-by-room clean, “Approaching your house room by room is the most effective way to deep clean it. Create cleaning checklists for each room to help you get organized and to remind you of the areas that need extra attention. Feel free to skip the areas that have been cleaned recently and focus on the parts of your home that were largely neglected over the winter.” We couldn’t agree more that checklists make any project easier to tackle, especially a Spring-cleaning checklist! Grab a notebook and start by writing down one room per page, with specific problem areas as bulleted tasks under the room name. Take time looking through your whole house and determine any specific problem areas, ways that you could increase your organization, etc.

You may even want to make note of rooms that you would like to declutter, for example, a master bedroom closet. The Spruce’s four-step approach makes that easy, “One of the biggest parts of spring cleaning is often getting rid of clutter. A systematic four-step approach can be helpful for this. Identify problem areas, analyze reasons for the clutter, determine solutions, and implement them. Sorting your belongings into four categories—trash, giveaway, store, or put away—can also be effective as you go through the spring-cleaning process. Move the clutter out as soon as possible, whether it’s bringing a donation box to a charity or planning a yard sale.” Take note in your checklists where you would like to apply the four-step approach, then come prepared with trash bags or boxes to sort through your stuff and designate it as trash, store, giveaway, etc.  

Now that you’ve got the process down, here’s the best part, get your family involved! Who says Spring cleaning can’t be a family affair? Play some fun music and incentivize the little ones by giving them a reward for completing every part of their checklist. Maybe go out for ice cream or take the gang for a pool day at a local water park. If you determine that you need some extra help, or even expert advice when it comes to organization, reaching out to companies like The Container Store that offer organization solutions for every room might be the right move for you. You can also hire some professional hands to help with the deep cleaning from several reputable and local cleaning services. Ask your friends or neighbors If they know of a great local cleaning service if not a quick Google search will do the trick!